Siding Materials To Prepare The Surface Of The Base

Before sheathing a wooden house with siding materials, you need to properly prepare the surface of the base. The durability of the material depends on this. If the walls were covered, they will need to be completely removed. There must also be no dirt, dust or various foreign substances on the surface.

After cleaning, the wooden base must be primed with a specific antiseptic. It quickly penetrates deep into the fibers and prevents the appearance of fungi and other things in the future. If the shows signs of mold, it is carefully rubbed with sandpaper. If the fungus remains on the material, it will successfully develop under the lining. After processing, the wood is provided with a seal. It is mounted on the surface of the base. Different are used for this.

Profile For Siding

Profile for siding can be made of or wood. Both variants are acceptable for wooden walls. The metal must be properly galvanized. There should be no defects, rust. Wooden slats should be treated with antiseptics.

The markings on the facade of the house draw straight lines around the perimeter. Measure the distance from the base to the roof and find the number. It marks the contour for mounting the start bar. At the same time, the building level applies. Otherwise the plates will be distorted. Mount the guide profile at the corners. It should fit snugly against the wall. The distance between the bars should be approximately 35 cm and must not be connected to one another. So the ventilation will be of high quality. The air must move from the bottom up and must not meet any obstacles.

Siding Materials


When the house is not used in winter, the wooden house is covered with siding without insulation. However, experts recommend applying the appropriate elements to the facade. It will also be useful for summer cottages.


Glass wool or its equivalent is used as insulation. This material is detailed by high compatibility and protection. Mineral wool prevents the appearance of fungus and rot. In some cases, foams or similar are used. However, mineral wool would be preferable.

An Layer With A Vapor Barrier

When condensation forms due to temperature differences, does not settle on the surface of wooden walls. The membrane is mounted on the stapler of the structure.

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