Cottage Design Ideas

Stunning Decor Ideas

As I’ve conjured my upcoming Thistle Armory Collection, I’ve immersed my mind in the sorts of places I imagine these pieces would exist. I’ve dreamt of wise witches in wayside cottages like this purple and green one nestled in the woods that I was lucky enough to spend a few days in, with wooden shelves lined with glass jars of plant medicine, books detailing their uses, beeswax candles, and herb bundles hanging from the rafters. Outside are thistle-filled hedgerows in a protective embrace around the grounds. Relegated to the edges of society, there thistle claims its association with the witch. Much like the witch, thistle was sentenced to death by law, and like the witch, it lives on regardless. Piece previews for The Thistle Armory Collection begin tomorrow, along with further elaboration on the underpinning concepts for these jewels. ⚔️ #soliloquyjewelry

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